now that we are a team agian we will be sure to not die. but just as we were about to enter the battle field and retake cybertron optimus prime said to not and that he said he had a special mission for us it was to go and rescue skyblast, bulkhead and save shockwave and shockblast from megatrons wrath even though they are decepticons. so we got to work but right when we set out we ran into sideways luckly we found skyblast right behind him locked up in a cage but it was a decepticon cage really simply locked all it took to open was a simple blaster shot so i got my blaster out and aimed for sidewayses head but just as i shot i aimed at the lock and shot the lock and blasted it clear off the cage door and set sky blast free but before sky blast flew off he came up behind sideways and picked him up and started walking back to the autobot camp to lock him up. shortly after we started moving agian to save bulkhead skyblast landed right infront of us and asked to join our team of course we accepted to let him in the team becuase the bigger the team the better. so we sent skyblast ahead to scout out the area luckly he said there were no decepticons but mixmaster who was guarding bulkhead. luckly he forgot to put his armor on so he shouldnt be a problem.
                                                            To be continued