Monday 26 September 2011

chorruption :shadow uprising

the team: war claw had become badly injured and well became cybernetic so now he is Cyber Claw,   Recter V had well been hacked so now hes is our enemy, Zzarkon had well been brainwashed and is also our enemy, fire bat had well was moved into another team but we got some new team mates mighkle who may be human but he is highly equiped, Vulcron A.K.A my long lost brother, arcane he is an ancient golem,
and last but not least my pet R.E.X v.12437.

but this is about me the leader of the team my name is armalorion.

Everyone on my team was sent on a secret mission but this time everyone is on there own mission mine was to seek out the seed on the planet of arcanos

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