Friday 30 September 2011


I was walking into a big shiny glass cage like thing and I had no idea what was going on but I still did as I was told. then this shiny matter fusing tube was put over me and the next thing I Knew was that I was in the shiny matter fusing tube. I started to yell becuase of how scared I was, I was pounding at the shiny glass but then a tazer was lowered into the shiny fusing tube and it shocked me. I fell unconsous but it wasnt over yet becuase they but an armadillo in the other shiny matter fusing tube and the next thing I knew was that I was half armadillo. Then the leader of the process walked up to me in shiny armor and said “Mighkle you are no longer human as you can see, your new name is armallorion and you are going to be trained to enter the G.F.S.”. then I replied “what does G.F.S. stand for” and he replied “it stands for Galactic Federation Ship” then I replied “oh”. then he said “ok its time to start your training, the training center is just down the hallway behind me”. and I said “ok”. and I went to the training room to meet a werewolf named War Claw plus he taught me the ropes so that I wouldnt be killed by the other bounty hunters in training but I met a few hunters that actually worked together like me and War Claw did. There names were Fire Bat, Zzarcon and Recter V. Fire Bat was a robot that had a shiny nuclear flamethrower,Zzarcon was a human but he was fused with a 50,000 volt eel and Recter V was a final resort destroyer robot that was abandoned by its creators but then the G.F.S. found it and upgraded it into a shiny cosmic destroyer. but there were some guys who thought they were better than everyone else and they ended up beating up the weaker bounty hunters in training but everytime they did I came over and beat the crap out of them and said “how does it feel”. and eventually War Claw and I saved Fire Bat, Zzarcon and Recter V’s lives a few times and we eventually finished training to join the G.F.S. and we were put into a team with eachother. we met other bounty hunters on the G.F.S. one was named gobuler becuase of how much he ate and he was ugly but other than that they were cool and nice but then we got our first mission it was to go and take down a renagade destroyer bot and we went down and I just walked up and said ” its been shut down” but then I turned around to face it agian and it slammed its gigantic shiny fist into my face and I went flying a mile away then I yelled with pure furiosity “WHY YOU LITTLE PIECE OF CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”. then I ripped out my  shiny titanuim rippers and plunged them straight into its chest and then I started to climb up to it’s head. When I reached it’s head War Claw had already cut its legs off so it toppled over and landed on me then I went ultra mode and I picked it up and ripped it in half and then tossed 1 half into another galaxy and then through the other half straight at the ground and it went all the way to the planets core and it went right through the planets core causing a chain reaction that blew up the entire planet………………..luckilly we managed to get back to our pods and get back to the G.F.S. We were the first to return from our mission so of course we called dibs on first pick for lunch and becuase I still loved and could eat human food I grabbed a pound of bacon and lemonade in a big shiny cup made of dimond and I also grabbed 2 pounds of hashbrown casarol with bacon,ham and cheese. then we went on another mission it was to protect planet bryyo from a space pirate attack and of course we accepted then we went down to planet bryyo. but when we got there the first base had been succesfully invaded so we went in. We ran straight at a group of space pirates, I slammed my fist into 1 space pirate’s back which broke his back and then I grabbed another space pirate and slammed his head straight into the ground and then I slammed my fist into another space pirate’s face and then I just ripped 1 of the space pirate’s arms off and beat him up with it and and I used it to kill 12 other space pirates but then War Claw bit the heads and Fire Bat just burned them to death while Zzarcon killed them painfully slowly by shocking them to death and Recter V just blasted them to bit and eventually we took the base back and called in some G.F.S. troops so that they could kill off the rest of the space pirates but as we were going to the core of the base something wnet flying past us but we just thought it was nothing but then we got to the core of the base just to see that it was covered in blue plant like things and we just sat there for a few minuts just staring at it when 1 of the plants shot a vine at Recter V we tried to free him but the blue vine was to strong and it pulled him into the blue plant like thing and we saw the blue stuff inside of the plant like thing going into his body and he was changing and then he started to turn a little blue then the plant like thing burst open and he jumped out and luckilly his personallity wanst changed but then a vine grabbed Zzarcon and Fire Bat and then it grabbed War Claw but then 1 came to grab me but I jumped out of the but then another 1 grabbed me and pulled me into the plant like thing and then the blue stuff started being absorbed by my body and then my armorstarted turning blue and then finally it was a cya blue and my claws where alot sharoer than normal but I new that I still had to complete my job and that was to et the core backup and running so I started  ripping the plant like thing right off of the core and then I put my hand on the hand scanner and thecore started running agian then I went and got the others from the plant like thing that were now actin like capsules but it was harder to open them than i thought but then all of a sudden my strenghth increased like 100 times than normal and I became able torip my friends free form the plant like capsules and then we went back to the G.F.S. but before we got to our ships wemet a strange looking creature and then I said”who are you” and he replied “I aM mEtAmOrPhOn *static* ” then I said ok Metamorphon why are you here” then metamorphon said “I AM HERE TO TAKE WHAT IS MINE” then I said “what is yours thats around here” then he replied “the entire planet is mine to CHORRUPT……..MuHaHAhAHhahAHA!!!!!!” then I said “what do you mean by chorrupt” then he said “look at you guys you have been chorrupted by those plant things you encountered…………………..they are called PHAZON CHORRUPTING CHAMBERS” then we all said at once “WHAT………..WE ARE CHORRUPTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” then I went to throw a punch at metamorphon but he dodged with ease and then he threw a light punch at me and hit me in the face and he sent my flying into one of the Phazon Chorrupting Chambers (for short it would be P.C.C.) and then I was fully chorrupted and then I went to go and grab War Claw but he jumped out of the way and then picked me up and through me into a containment pod and then War Claw and the others went and got into there pods but War Claw used his pod crane to pick up both my containment pod that I was in and my normal pod and then he took me to the G.F.S. and then they examined me and then they scanned me and the scans told them that I was fully chorrupted and that my streangth was now 1000 times stronger than normal and that I could breake free at any moment but they didnt know that I still had some control over my chorrupted body and that I was fighting the chorruption but I needed help. my true self finally broke through the chorruption and was able to say something “PLEASE HELP ME!!” and then right at that moment the doctor emediatly strarted working on a cure and war claw and the others were encouraging me and trying to help my fight the chorruption and then the doctor got back with 2 cups of a liquid. I said “why is there 2 cups of liquid, am I supossed to take 2 types of medicine?” then the doctor said “no someone else must take 1 of these cures and you must take the other but you must both take the cure at the same time other wise you will both die” then War Claw said “I’ll take the cure with Armallorion” then the doctor handed me and War Claw the cures and we both drank the cure at the same time and all of a sudden War Claw’s body fell to the ground and my body just fell over and before we knew it me and War Claw were inside of my body and there was phazon cells coming at us and we felt that we had to kill all of the phazon cells so we started to kill the phazon cells 1 by 1. we took out half of them before we started to feel wierd and at that exact moment we knew the cure was wering off and we needed to hurry up so we started killing the cells 2 by 2 and eventually we found the phazon core in my body and we ran at it but it shocked us both and we fell to the ground but we didnt give up we got back up and started running at it agian and it shocked us agian but this time we resisted it and then I rolled up into a ball and charged straight at it and destroyed several phazon roots and War Claw had cut the rest and then I got out of my ball form and then I plunged my claws into the phazon cores heart and War Claw did the same and then the phazon core blew up and the cure wore off and I was cured. and after that we instanly went and told captian samus about the chorruption and she (yes I know I said she becuase samus is actually a girl to me it sounds like a boy name lol) said “what do you mean?” and then I said “the phazon Chorruption is back” and then samus said in shiny new armor that looked really shiny “this………… not good…”.

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