Wednesday 15 February 2012

this is for my work

The best boat design that I found was flat and small walls. It held a load of 413 Lbs. the reason this one worked best is because it held more air and had more space for the copper. The more air it can hold the less dense the boat will be. It also worked well because of the water salinity and temperature, the water salinity and temperature were. Salinity: fresh water. Temperature: cold. The water condition was smooth. My research group tested a total of 4 boat designs, 1 was long but thin with high walls, it sunk at 110 lbs. 2 was a half inverted cone, it sunk at 200 lbs. 3 was circular with low walls, it sunk at 70 lbs. 4 was flat and wide with low walls, it sunk at 413 lbs. some of the dangers that were faced during the testing were storms, rough waters and icebergs.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

The Arkayne (and yes they are archrons from star craft 2)

Arkayne Royal Guard

Arkayne Mutant

Arkayne Shaman

Arkayne Spell Lord

Arkayne High Templer

Arkayne Commander
Arkayne War Lord

Arkayne War Lord

Arkayne Exile

Arkayne Exile Leader

Arkayne Beast Master

Arkayne Destroyer

Arkayne Spell Caster

Monday 9 January 2012

The Adventures of Cha-Cha and Skar-Dar

One bright morning Cha-Cha had got up early becuase it was his big day all his life he had been preparing for this one day. His quest for his own mask. Cha-Cha had set out moments after he ate is aptonoth burger and honey fries and had a cup of shackalacka coffee. moments later he was swarmed by a crowd that was shouting tips at him.  he managed to push through the crowd and was able to run pastthe gate and into the real world he was in the wilderness now it was time to find a the start of his mask or a spare mask incase his mask doesnt work. Cha-Cha heard a something fall and thump on the ground,he spun around and say a giant acorn or coconut he grabbed the giant nut thing  and hollowed it out and poked a hole in it so he could breathe and made some white swirls to signifey eyes he had made a spare mask. but another giant acorn fell from a tree. he looked up and saw another shackalacka it was his friend Skar-Dar. "hey Skar-Dar how have you been cuase I know I've been good" "Oh I've been good to" seconds later they heard a horrific roar. they spun around to see a barroth standing right there staring straight at them and before they knew it it was charging in there direction luckilly they managed to jump out of the way. they both got back out and swung out there wepeons. Cha-Cha's was a little staff while Skar-Dar's was a blade that could switch into a gun that shot a dart that contained a paralyzing venom. Cha-Cha ran and planted a bomb on the barroth's foot right when it exploded destroying the barroths armour on its foot Skar-Dar shot his dart and hit the barroth's foot paralyzing. the barroth roared and fell to the ground paralyzed luckilly Cha-Cha and Skar-Dar were fast enough to take some of his scales and then plunge a blade into the barroths heart killing it. then they started to collect the main parts from him. they started to upgrade there armour and wepeons. they now have borrothal armour and earth barroth wepeons.

To Be Continued

Thursday 5 January 2012

The Legends of The Arkayne (moved)

There was once a peaceful race of mystic warriors. But the peace they had for so long wasn’t going to last for much longer. The arkayne were attacked by a disease that had ravaged the earth for years..................Werewolves. The werewolves were trapped in a pod and sent into space by the humans but the human race had no idea that there were other races in the universe like the arkayne.

 When the pod landed on Nebula, the arkayne had opened the pod to see what was inside. They saw nothing but the moment the first patrol team stepped in the pod the door slammed shut and they were never seen again. About a year later they used that pod to kill exiles or so they thought.

 The werewolves were massing, waiting for the time to attack. A month later they sent another patrol team to investigate the pod but this time when they opened the door they saw millions of blood red and swamp green eyes staring at them but there was one set of pure white eyes it was the first to attack the arkayne patrol team biting 4 of the arkayne and transforming them into a new species of werewolf.

 The arkayne wolves. In seconds the whole patrol team had become arkayne wolves and eventually half the planet had become overrun by both species of werewolf. But before it was over another pod was released into space it had a single mutant in it.

 His name is Armalion. He was sent into space to tame the werewolves it wasn’t until only half the population was left that he landed on the planet. When he did he had found the werewolf that was controlling the pod, he walked up behind him and got him in a headlock and pushed him to the ground in order to keep him still so he could separate the dark spirit from his body.

 From then on the arkayne had a secret weapon agianst the horrible disease. But before anyone knew it the leader had escaped with a group of the highest ranking werewolves to travel to infect a race of volcano dwelling creatures named magmadons that lived on a planet called Volcayne. They are the highly evolved race of arkayne much stronger but not as smart.

2 Months Later

3 new pods had crashed into Nebula. Each pod contained an ally for the arkayne. Their names are Mighkle (A cybernetic war hero who tries to hide his past), Terrakiller (The strongest Earth Golem alive) and Skar (A high class assassin who has assassinated 5 of the six most feared criminals) also known as my best friends.
As their pods crashed into the planet something happened. All 3 of the pods fell into a giant hole and this purple gas came out of the giant crater. When one of the arkayne breathed in the purple gas he started to mutate. Mighkle jumped out of his pod and pined the mutated arkayne to the ground and started to scan for a cure. He yelled “I need 3 Moonstones, 5 Mystic leaves and 4 Types of Arkayne D.N.A………… AND I NEED THEM NOW!”

 I ran into the Moon Field, smashed a Moon Boulder and collected 4 Moonstones. Terrakiller Ran into the Mystic Forest and tore 5 Mystic leaves from the tree of the mystics. Skar bolted into the closest city and got an Arkayne blood sample, a lock of Arkayne hair, an Arkayne toe nail and an Arkayne skin sample, rushed back and gave it all to Mighkle. Mighkle Quickly mixed everything together and injected it into the mutated arkayne.

Titan the Arkayne War Lord came as fast as he could. “What happened here?” “Some kind of purple gas mutated 1 of the Arkayne soldiers!” “WHAT!” He quickly grabbed a gun and shot a flare into the sky.

On The Other Side of Nebula

The Arkeyan General saw the flare and quickly mobilized his forces to march to the Arkayne Capital. 5 Arkeyan Jets had arrived and started to unleash everything they had down on the crater. Within seconds the Crater had doubled in size……………something happened. The jets stopped firing. It was too hard to see what happened…………a giant energy beam shot right through one of the Arkeyan Jets. The Arkeyan Jet came crashing down in a ball of flames.

In seconds the Arkayne had fled the area. We had no idea what happened but all we knew was that we needed to run. We ran as fast as we could. Every once in a while I would shoot a laser behind me hoping to slow it down. Something was wrong it wasn’t following us anymore……………something grabbed my leg, it pulled me into the ground, the next thing I knew was that I was in a cage. This strange creature walked up to me and said “good you are ok” I was too tired to say anything.

He blasted some kind of energy into me. I fell to the ground in agony. Something had come out of my chest. I managed to get up and see what it was. It was some kind of gem, it kept changing colures. Red, blue, green, white then black. The strange creature put a phoenix feather into the gem and it turned red. All of a sudden holes started opening all over my body and magma started to pour out of them. Liquid magma started to pour out of the sides of my mouth I have been granted the power of the azteckians. The strange creature gave me 3 items, a Phoenix Feather, a Shadow Gem and a Vortex Crystal.
“My name is Bokor, I am the Radioactive Form of the Arkayne Species.

2 more people walked out of the shadows. “These are my friends Phoenix and Ark”. “I am Armalion and these are my friends Mighkle, Terrakiller and Skar” “Me, Phoenix and Ark Are Bounty Hunters, we are here to kill Experiment 79087”  “How long have you guys been here?” “About 8 years”. “WHAT!” “Well we have to go…………… see yeah later” Then They disappeared into the shadows.

2 Years Later

2 more pods had landed on Nebula, Helios (The last angel guardian in existence) and Drake Hellfire (Mighkle’s brother, awesome with machines, has a virus called Hellfire, he got the last name Hellfire when he got his virus and he has a mechanical arm) both walked out of the pods well Helios flew out of his and Drake Hellfire burnt his to a crisp. Unluckily Skar and Terrakiller had to go back to earth to protect mankind.

Mighkle ran and finally got to reunite with his brother but his brother Drake had changed. Drake’s eyes were no longer blue, they were demon red, and his hands weren’t even hands they were giant flaming claws, Drake had massive armor and a giant blade he called Phoenix Fire. He wasn’t Drake, Mighkle’s brother anymore he was Drake Hellfire. Drake was an awesome mechanic before he changed. He always built machines for people who needed them, he would always help his brother Mighkle but now he’s this monster in giant armor.

There ship the Phoenix had finally arrived at Nebula. They quickly got in and started to hunt down Voltron (Voltron is the werewolf leader, he was the first to become a werewolf but just as he was being mutated the fusion reactor had become overcharged and discharged everything into the mutation chamber charging Voltron with fusion energy). We landed on several planets each and every one was infested and at war with werewolves and their own mutation of werewolf. We had helped each and every one of those planets. But Voltron wasn’t on any of them.

We had arrived somewhere I never thought I would be we landed on Valaxium, the home world of the Azteckians. The azteckians were as a feared at war with the werewolves but just werewolves. The azteckians are the smartest and the strongest creatures in the universe. I'm glad they weren’t fooled like the rest. It was a magnificent sight, giant lasers filled the air and everything was black, gold and silver.

To Be Continued